Our sensor can detect the movement of a metal object through the housing allowing you to seal off all electronic components and mount a dome switch on the outside.
Upon compression of the wearable’s housing our sensor detects the change in distance between a coil on the PCB and a metal target. Ideal for a robust function that is not affected by water.
Our sensor can detect the movement of a metal object through the housing allowing you to seal off all electronic components and mount a dome switch on the outside.
Upon compression of the wearable’s housing our sensor detects the change in distance between a coil on the PCB and a metal target. Ideal for a robust function that is not affected by water.
Azoteq can design a low-cost watch face that detects touch and gestures through an air gap – allowing you to keep a classic watch display with watch hands.
Azoteq can design a low-cost watch face that detects touch and gestures through an air gap – allowing you to keep a classic watch display with watch hands.
Detect whether the wearable is being warn to automatically save power. Includes a reference channel and on-chip temperature tracking to compensate for any temperature or humidity drift that might influence capacitive sensing.
Detect whether the wearable is being warn to automatically save power. Includes a reference channel and on-chip temperature tracking to compensate for any temperature or humidity drift that might influence capacitive sensing.
Azoteq’s ProxFusion range of combination sensors can help you design multiple solutions with a single chip. Saving you development cost and board space.
Azoteq’s ProxFusion range of combination sensors can help you design multiple solutions with a single chip. Saving you development cost and board space.